Inspected by Ministry of Education : BSID #882297

Inspected by Ministry of Education : BSID #882297

High School

If learning is a desire, teaching is delivered engagingly. Our High School in Brampton is committed to helping students excel in their goals.

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ESL Courses

Our Focus is laid on the needs of the student and the student’s understanding of the usage of English language as opposed to learning ‘rules’.

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Credit Courses

We offer our students a special reliable education system. Virtual courses are offered on full-time and part-time basis during weekdays and weekends.

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Virtual School Education

In QW School, we don’t do “easy”. We make educational success happen through hard work and teaching virtually. Keeping this aspect in mind, Ontario virtual high schools are taking education to the next level by restructuring the traditional academic high school years of Grade 9 to Grade 12. The founders of QW School have the vision to create a platform for an alternative school for all students who want to expand their knowledge. Students can excel in their abilities by enrolling in desired courses, plus our student advisors can assist them through a preliminary free consultation session. QW School can help students broaden their career choices!

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Offering Hybrid Credit Courses

We provide a combination of face-to-face and online learning so that students can learn at their own pace.

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Customized Class Schedule

We provide flexible time schedules as per our student's needs, and students can enroll in courses anytime throughout the calendar year.

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ESL Courses

Proficiency and fluency in English is an asset. Since 2006, we have offered ESL classes, and our courses are beneficial to individuals in both their careers and communication skills. ESL classes offered at QW School in Brampton offer lessons in all levels and course structures. Age is not a barrier! We provide ESL classes online as well as in person. Call us and get your schedule for English-as-a-Second-Language courses depending upon your level of speaking and understanding the English language. Hurray: seats are available for the for our upcoming English-as-a-Second-Language courses!

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Why Private School

QW School has operated as a private elementary and secondary school in Brampton and has been helping students achieve their academic goals since 2006. QW School has operated as a ministry inspected, licensed, and approved high school focused on helping students obtain the Ontario High School credits they need for their OSSD [Ontario Secondary School Diploma]. We offer Grade 9 to 12 high school credit courses that will also help them with university and college preparation. Our founders’ vision was to provide an alternate school to students at an economical cost. Teaching in small groups, we have enabled students and educators meet the high expectations of admissions into the best universities and colleges.

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